

Blogging from my work tonight on my phone. Like so often happens here at hospice I am sitting with someone suffering. I am always amazed at how alike we all are when we suffer or have fear. I am always struck by my own privalage as well. Death presents us with truth, our own truth. I cannot imagine my life without my community, my family, my lovers, my friends. If any of you read this (and you know who you are) I hope you know how much I love and value you. You help me remember my essential, “me-ness”. How can I ever thank you enough for that?

I widened my circle of relations this year more than any in my life since college. Could a year get any better than that? Teo, Sister Who, Piper, Shelley, Angela and Angela, Monika, Heidi, Carmen, Dan, and especially Suzanne. Not to mention my family. All these amazing people packed into one brief life! Thank you!!!!!!

Great gods and goddesses, thank you for my life.